Forgot One Thing...
#1 posted by
Windawz on 2019/10/07 21:04:53
The monster count is actually 35/42/55. All the info is in the readme, though there's a few rough parts in there. Anyway, sorry in advance, I'll do better next time.

I Was Doing Pretty Good Until...
#2 posted by
Greenwood on 2019/10/08 00:29:03
...I jumped into that small room with that vore at the top and I had nowhere to go. It made me rage quit, but mostly because I was recording a demo for you and hadn't saved!
From what I saw (about 3/4 of it), it looks pretty nice, liked a polished "old school" map. I am going to go back and try it again. It's very cleanly put together! Good job. Oh, I found one secret so far: the mega-health.

#4 posted by
Windawz on 2019/10/08 18:37:51
I'm very glad people actually like it. But if you notice something bad, write it here.
Greenwood: that's a terrible place for a vore, I know. Will try to provide at least some cover next time.

Another Forgotten Thing
#5 posted by
Windawz on 2019/10/08 18:58:21
On skill 2 the door that guards the runic pillar seems to request a gold key. Don't be fooled by that, it's opened with a button. And yeah, I have no idea why I have made it difficulty dependent too.

Stream Time
#6 posted by
ionous on 2019/10/08 19:31:42
Both this and Dismal Signal. Starts in 30 minutes.

Here Is A Demo
#7 posted by
Ankh on 2019/10/08 22:39:59
#8 posted by
zigi on 2019/10/09 21:09:00
Cool map! Missed one secret!
Playthrough ->
#9 posted by
jcr on 2019/10/10 15:52:20
Very enjoyable overall. It's nice to get a solid classic themed map in from time to time. Here's my
playthrough! I had to go back to see the changes the different difficulties made, and I'll say it's a clever idea if not a bit underappreciated since most people (me) play hard all the time.
#10 posted by
Badb0y on 2019/10/10 22:09:58
i registered just now, after years, to write ITS A GOOD MAP.
#11 posted by
JMP on 2019/10/12 21:56:45
Great map. It feels like a lost map from episode 3 of the original game. The textures, layout, and secrets are all nice. My only criticism--and it's more personal taste than anything else--is that there's a large wooden door in the middle of the map that really doesn't fit the metal aesthetic you use everywhere else.
#12 posted by
arkngt on 2019/12/04 17:57:05
Great little map. Didn't find a single secret, but that's just me and gives me a reason to replay it. Hope to see more maps from you!
#13 posted by
arkngt on 2019/12/04 21:17:40
OK, replaying it I found 3 secrets. Two were really neat.
#14 posted by
arkngt on 2019/12/06 21:39:25
5/5 secrets now, which also gave the last kill, which eluded me. Sorry for spam, will stop now. Nice little map as said.
#15 posted by
242 on 2019/12/16 04:04:00
this was a fun small sized map. great use of backtracking with re-population of the areas and alternate ins and outs. i found only half the secrets (megahealth, thunderbolt, rocketlauncher). but i also found the sky area in the exit room has a hall of mirror area, i rocketjumped up there as i saw angles and space so i thought it was a secret. i enjoyed the setting of a runic temple/fortress etched and forged into a crag above lava.