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Q1SP: Bunker Of Barzai
My first runic standalone release, using standard id progs. I included
some enforcers in the map. They're "observers" in the runic realm.
If you notice, they're usually elevated & infrequent.

Why "Barzai?" He's high priest of the Elder Gods in Lovecraft lore.



P.S. Thanks to my playtesters: EricW, JCR, Zigi, and ZungryWare
the jpeg is bigger than the bsp 
Actually, it is a PNG. If it was a JPEG, then it would be quite a bit smaller. I wanted it to be a quality image. 
Shots Look Nice Man 
Congrats on the release :) 
nice map! beautiful, too.

i really enjoy how different your maps have been from each other. i can't quite pin it down, but besides the ship map, your work tends to bring me a really nice feeling. i can't describe it better than that. 
nice map! beautiful, too.

i really enjoy how different your maps have been from each other. i can't quite pin it down, but besides the ship map, your work tends to bring me a really nice feeling. i can't describe it better than that. 
If The Zip Doesn't Include The Poster As Well As The Bsp, I'm Out... 
Before I Even Download... 
JPG is better for images like Quake screenshots, despite not being actual photos, and while it's an inherently lossy format, it's easy to compress it to a decent filesize without visibly losing on fidelity.

Congratulations on the release btw, this looks very interesting. 
To Shambler And Onetruepurple 
Shambler: The zip does include the poster, as well as a Read Me text file.

Onetruepurple: Yeah, considering Quake's limited color palette, a JPEG might be a better option. I just figured since I only included one image, then it should be a nice one ...and thanks! 
why are we still sperging about png vs jpg and png filesizes in 2020? 
Kinn knows something = just a casual day

other people know something = sperging

Lol Wut 
I'm just saying that in my humble opinion of humbleness, in the context of quake screenshots, who gives a monkey's whether you ping it or peg it?

(answer: some cats here do care apparently)

I'm on the png train with greenwood for what it's worth, since no-one can seriously argue that filesize is an issue (come on, guys). 
Well ... 
compared with those that put high filesize skyboxes and you can only see a 128x128 part at most far far away upwards it is nothing.

Jokes aside, it is better to have some basic customs, and going crazy because we can it is not a reason to. 
I've said it before (maybe in private?) But I am at amazed at how far you have come in mapping since your first map in May (?)

The NBA has it's Most Improved Player Award. Maybe it's time the Quake scene had something similar? You'd be a strong contender for sure.

Haven't played this one yet but wow... looks like a winner. 
Great Map 
Skill 2 demo

Kinda annoying enforcers in small windows and scrags at the beginning, otherwise very good. Nice enemy composition and battle scripting, the combat before last elevator was structured very well. 
Nice Mash Of Themes

Runic and base-lite theme working well with one another. 
I knew from playing your speedmap, Greenwood, that you were into maps with novelty into them and my expectations weren't betrayed.
It is also a plus that you did not use any mod and the like and you tried to use the most of the assets you had at hand instead of depending on the fancy.

The map portrays some interesting ideas, while i think that the entrance to the lava part is not obvious and felt to me more like a side area. I did not take the pentagram at first because i thought it was a secret at plain view like in some maps and the liquid a teleporter, so i wanted to save it for later as i had armour on me.
Another progression issue is probably that after being for so long in the lava, the player rushes to get out of it and won't see the key like it happened to me, but that is minor as the pentagram respwans.
The looks are solid and the gameplay too, but i am not much the fan of forced base infiltrations setups in videogames, while it was done well.
I do not think secrets that require special skills like trick jumping are a good thing, but they were well done and fair. A pity i could not find the way past that door.
I am not a fan of respawnable ammo, but due to how the map works that wasn't a negative for the map.

Eager to see your new map, Greenwood. 
I am glad that you enjoyed it. I wondered what it would look like when played via the Quake 1.5 mod. Thanks for doing a video of just that! 
I liked the encounters. Map looks great too.

Here are my demos. I wasn't careful enough and didn't do justice to the thoughtful combat setup. 
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