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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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I Remember 
Playing Arabian Nights when it came out and liking it emensely. Visiting your site reminded me of that experience. Makes me wanna do another run through some time when I have the free time.

Necros: Yeap. I think I understand what you mean about risk. Like raiding a hotel pool at 2 Am even when you can afford the fare for a room. It is the cheap thrills that sustain my existance. 
Another Nice Site With Industrial Photo 
<Friction> Btw. 
<Friction> AMAZINGLY inspiring site for extra heavy duty industrial designs

Not mine, just pasted from IRC. 
Kell Said I Should Post This Here
Not scat.

Oh, and awise fwom your gwave! 
thanks for the link... lots of cool busted up machinery. ^_^ 
Old Electronics And Other Stuff...

This seems to be an online store for buying old parts and equipment, but there are tons of nice photos just for browsing purposes, too. Example: the Oscilloscope page, which has 40 or 50 nice pictures of oscilloscope instrument panels:

I don't know if it has been already view but, looks good ..

Enjoy ! 
Islamic Architecture 
nice one metl. Sometime soon I might post some pictures of a house i visited while it was under construction that looks like a q3 map, interesting place. 
I Saw A Cool Place 
this weekend in San Francisco's chinatown called "Empress of China" or something, but i didn't have my camera with me, and google doesn't seem to have any good pictures of it.

Trust me, it was cool. 
Speaking Of China 
i've googled for fuedal asian mansion/fortress pics, but haven't found any good sites. If anyone knows any that I haven't checked, please lemme know so I can start research on my next map. 
Wovoka House, Lake Tahoe

I uploaded some pictures of a house in development I was lucky enough to look around. This home is is the $25 million price range, and everything is custom-made, even the $17,000 doors. The owner is a casino owner, and was a very nice guy, which surprised me.

The thing that strikes me is how much it looks like a Q3 map, but the real influences are from Native American culture (the name comes from this too) such as parts of the house inspired by the shape of the Teepee. Also, the house was designed to work with nature, using a few of Frank Lloyd Wright's ideas. Unlike Lloyd Wright, however, they've been landscaping extensively and placing boulders and hills in order to make nature "more ideal".

Also, in something that, ironically, also relates to Q3 mapping, the caretaker complains that the building focuses too much on aesthetics, and the 'flow' of the house and practicality have taken a back seat. So it's got crap gameplay, but it sure looks nice.

First page is exterior shots, 2nd and 3rd are interiors. Look out for the 'detailing'; there are lights carved into rocks, custom triangle floor grates, and custom stair light trim, and more! Enjoy. 
Yes, nice house !!! It give me some cool idea for my next maps... ;) 
Cool Pics Starbuck 
What kind of framerate were you getting in that outdoor area? 
Scary Kinn, Lol 
I had a dream after a few days of mapping where my body was a sealed map being compiled into a bsp while my flesh, mere extrageneous material, was being stripped away. 
Put your analyst on danger money. 
Stop The World, I Want To Get Off 
Seriously HeadThump, that's freakier than my dreams. 
Some Cool Websites 
... with lot of modern building photos, and many others...

.. with many architectural japan design (visit all links !!) After a quick look, there are photos about traditional houses, bridges, gardens, etc..

Enjoy ! 
Right. Let's get one thing cleared up:

Does anyone actually use any of these sites for inspiration and reference AND ACTUALLY CREATE ANY MAPS INSPIRED BY THE SITES?? 
Don't Be Silly Shambler 
We just fap all over them when we see them first time, and then wait for someone else to make maps like them. 
.. are you really hurry to play a Japan-style map ?? So you need to be a more patient: I've just found these site... and I've not yet explored all the pages... or perhaps are you jalous not to be the owner of this thread, don't you ?? 
Yes. It's just that it's not really a case of copying any one of these places wholesale, but going 'hey, something kinda like that doorway would work well over here in my map'.

This is just speaking for myself of course 
I agree, it will be very hard to copy exactly one of these japan houses/building/bridge, etc, but some of these japanese architectures just gave some cool ideas..... You will perhaps see them in a future brand new map not yet started today, because I had a project coming soon...;)...
So Shambler needs to be patient for a long time I think ;) 
Lambert / Shambler 
JPLambert, thx a lot that Japanese site is just what I'm looking for!! Tons of shinto/buddhist architecture. Thanks a super bunch, you are the first person on Func to actually be helpful!

Shambler: I do. Well, I am now anyway. 
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