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New Q1SP: Bastion Of The Underworld
Ok, here it is - my first shot at mapping :)

Best described as a rolling, rumbling descent into Quake 1 single player devastation - with a few new surprises along the way; this is part of a larger episode that will be released later this year.

Especially big thanks to aguirRe for his encouragement and supporting me with his compile utils. WinQuake recommended; make sure you use -heapsize 32000 or higher.



Demos appreciated :)
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Cheers Kinn 
I enjoyed playing it, apart from the Q2 thingies. I was playing carefully to try to do it first go....thus a lot of fannying around =).

When I ran back from the lava, I held down TAB to check the time to the pent and found I had about 23 seconds....there was a little moment of panic when I'm in the lava with no tunnel to swim down and 0.05 seconds of 666 left :P.

How do you get the quad secret at the end, BTW?? I know where it is but not whether you're supposed to RJ or jump off the descending switch (hard?)??

Yer, infighting, well you've got such a big area to run around in, it had to be done. A fun set-up for an arena that, reminds me a bit of CZG07c, the space definitely makes it more pleasant. 
Re: Quad Secret 
An RJ was the idea, but jumping off the switch sounds interesting...hmmm...I never though of that. 
There is a problem with that Kinn, that if anyone has tried an explosives jump previously in the map, they will have noticed the reduced effect and will come to the reasonable conclusion that you intend that RJing is NOT to play any role....thus it will seem unlikely to be required for a secret.

Just a thought... 
Good Point Shambler... 
True, I did shake some of the gameplay dynamics around a bit including the reduced damage momentum.

My personal views on rocket jumping are that they shouldn't really play a part in single player maps, unless it's to find a secret area. I guess reducing damage momentum was just my (slightly misguided) way of discouraging it without fully disabling it. 
5 Out Or 5 
...secrets that is. I found 3 on my first play through and went back to find the other two. I did this with no cheats or hints so that makes me a better person. I didn't even want to see the hints in the text file.

This is an awesome map and would remain so if it had been your 10th map released. It was fun to play through on hard - I got 100% kills and I spent almost 80min according to the end clock. I finished in about 3 sessions so this map felt like an adventure and was long lasting.

I ran it on FitzQuake and other then having to type in my sky at each game loading, I found no serious problems. My only petty complaint is that the roller crushers should have minced that fiend I tricked into jumping in. So disappointing not to see gibs.

This is the sort of map that would be fun to play again. The first time is for exploration and discovery - the following plays are for pure carnage and to see how many infights you can start.

Great work Kinn!! 
Thanks Scragbait. 
It always makes me happy to hear people getting a good chunk of playing time out of this :)

Good job with the secrets. I've been watching some of the demos people have sent me and have been pleasantly surprised at the way they take their time searching for them.

Hehe - I'll have to try that with the fiend - odd that it didn't gib him though - the knight gibs ok, and I certainly gib when I jump in there :)

Again, thanks for your wonderful comments :) 
on skill 1, finished in 31:27, probably more like an hour with all the quicksaves. :P In general I don't like "big" maps that try to squeeze the entire game into one .bsp but since it was fairly easy to figure out what to do next in this one, that's alright. :)

architecture - frigging incredible

monsters - very well done in all respects (sprite, model, QC, etc.) except the new skins, which all looked washed out against the rest of the quake colors in winquake.

gameplay - fine except the part just after the lava bridge where I had to fight off almost everything with 2 health and an axe. and at the end I just grabbed the pentagram and walked through the "main gate" without killing anything but that's no big deal. :)

sounds - okay 
Cheers Fern 
Hehe, if you don't like "big" maps, you're going to hate my next one ;) 
great map.
what i don't like is that you used q3 textures. makes it look like a wannabe q3 map :( maybe it's just me... 
Thanks Gibbie. 
I like Q3 textures. They're still medieval-ish, but a little more otherworldly than the standard Quake medieval textures. There's also a splash more colour to them as well (although I "browned-up" the Q3 textures in this map slightly to give a better Q1 palette conversion). 
Any1 Know Any Zquake Hacks / Cheats? 
if u know any zquake hacks email them 2 plz plz plz :) 
That's A New One. 
fyi underworldfan (and i doubt you have any control over this), but i tried to check out your review and i get this:

gg pq 
What's ZQuake? 
I have heard of ZDoom but that's a new one for me.

Well dude, while I'm here if it is anything like Quake,

tilde key pulls down the Dos looking screen (a C-O-N-S-O-L-E)
plug in God for Godmode
plug in Impulse 9 for all the goodies. 
What's ZQuake? 
I have heard of ZDoom but that's a new one for me.

Well dude, while I'm here if it is anything like Quake,

tilde key pulls down the Dos looking screen (a C-O-N-S-O-L-E)
plug in God for Godmode
plug in Impulse 9 for all the goodies. 
oh, and this '~' is the tilde key.

It gets its name from German Pinball. 
it's russian qw port
fuhquake is based on it 
Didn't Expect 
this thread to be bumped, but I might as well say I just noticed a rather nice mention on Fat Controller's site, which was cool - thanks Fatty :) 
Download Is Broken 
Thanks =) 
When I checked there the last time, it was WIP ;)
How about changing the links here either? A friend of mine searched for the map. 
Horde Of The Underworld 
After playing the second map first, I thought I would move on to the first map second and wow what an adventure in the Underworld! :)

The architecture feels grand as always and the choice of texture are gorgeous and consistent. The map even uses some of my techno texture set, which made me smile knowing they were used in such a classic of Q1SP mapping. It was strange at first to see the Q3 textures in the Q1 engine because it felt so D�j� vu after playing with Q3 for such a long time. The textures work really well across large surfaces and make the architecture stand out bcause they are such a bright colour palette.

The combat is still hard and intense and there is one AI that really does not fit well, the Q2 machine gunner. There was one cool moment thou when I killed a q2 machine gunner and it kept firing the blue plasma at me while it was headless. The rest of the AI was perfectly suited and the final boss type moved really damn fast and often caught me off guard. It was interesting to have the horde style combat this time broken into two areas because it helped the overall pacing better.

I still prefer the second map more because it has proper skill levels. I am not a fan of the everything approach but weaker AI health bars. I have played the map a couple of times now and each time it feels better, especially the horde moments which are just fantastic. The setup so perfectly captures the doom feeling of massive amounts of AI just running around but this time there are infighting as well. I saw so many cool moments of fiend/shambler and hknight/fiend slugging it out while the rest of the horde was going crazy.

My only nitpick is the spinning death trap with the water tunnel because it was just random luck to get it right. Sometimes I had the water bounce bug and other times I just came out of the water and instant death, total luck. The other 4 secrets were awesome and I especially like the sharpshooter one for the pentagram of protection.

I think that Kinn is a Q1SP mapping god and as much as these two maps inspire me to want to make something for Q1SP they also convince me that it is unlikely I would be able to create anything that would be better. 
U can bet sock!

This map is like the main temple of all levels of Quake ever made, hard to build such a level.

What impress me more in this map is the rocks, they are so well made that make me cry! 
You make anything, keep playing and posting - this is an... educational process. I don't have so much time to play anymore, but reading each post plays me back from when I did.

In any case, I look forward to a map from you, especially since you still call monsters ai's. That's the kind of fresh eyes I had about the game more than ten years ago, when I found the best game I'd ever played.

The more FPS games that I play, the more I think back to this one. That invented them.

Cue hairsplitting arguments about Wolf and Doom. 
It took me 10 years but I finally found how to get the secret pentagram by the zombies/rl!

Easy skill, 24:24, 303/303, 5/5. 
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