Posted by metlslime on 2002/12/23 18:27:46 |
This is the place to post screenshots of your upcoming masterpiece and get criticism, or just have people implore you to finish it. You should also use this thread to post beta versions of your maps.
Need a place to host your screenshots? Upload them here:
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#1290 posted by R.P.G. on 2004/08/25 17:35:51
Lighting needs work there. Too bright up top, too dark at the bottom. That architecture could be very interesting depending on how it's lit.
Also, if you knew this, please excuse the obvious.
#1291 posted by Kinn on 2004/08/25 17:39:46
Just stating that I appreciate a well-cut jib when I see one, really :)
(btw, nice screens :)
#1292 posted by necros on 2004/08/25 17:49:06
looks good! i actually like the ground being dark... maybe a few lights on the floor here and there could be nice, but for the most part, i'd leave it like that...
#1293 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/25 18:27:25
That's looking good, more interesting than before.
Sorry can't comment much more my retinas are burnt with D3 goodness.
 Cough Cough
#1294 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/25 18:43:22
evilness, Shambler, evilness!
#1295 posted by distrans on 2004/08/25 21:22:19
...an APSP1 killer?
/me runs away quickly.
 Beta - The High Place - Pjw3tourney4
#1296 posted by pjw on 2004/08/26 01:08:52
Hi folks! This is probably my last Q3 map, before I move on completely to Doom 3 engine stuff, but I wanted to get it finished up.
It has two completely different item layouts for Tourney and FFA. FFA has Quad, RG, and an extra YA, while tourney does not. The map is so open that I figured tourney would be completely about the RG if it were included, and thus much less interesting.
This is far from your typical tourney map, and may not be very satisfactory to "purists", but I had a lot of fun on layout on this one, and the RA placement shows that. :) There are various obvious and not-so-obvious movement tricks and possibilities that can be discovered.
Props to Evil_lair for the textures, ydnar and Hipshot for the sky, Rungy for the waterfall, Death2UAll/RKone for the waterfall sound, and Finko for the ceiling light.
Still to do:
-some detailing
-some bot optimization
-improving lighting (which is a little assy atm)
Let me know what you think re: movement/layout and item placement (and please specify if you're talking about FFA or tourney play). Any feedback is welcome.
(~2.3 meg)
 A Quick Note . . .
#1297 posted by pjw on 2004/08/26 01:20:14
pjw3dm6 ("Guns") was a tourney map in it's early stages . . . pjw3tourney4, in fact. So if you already have a "pjw3tourney4_b1" in your baseq3, delete the old one; it's senile and starting to become stinky.
i must say very interesting map, not really my style but I can see how some would like it. I played it FFA with some bots, its a fun map and they play it decently.
My only complaint really is the kinda bland texturing in some of the hallways. I assume you want to keep the walls pretty much flat, but maybe some trim or something to make it look a little more interesting. Or maybe some of those hallways with the 90 degree turns, you could do this -- http://shadowdane.shackspace.com/45degree_corners.jpg ?? My brain is falling asleep and couldnt describe it so just decided to map it, LOL.
But other than that, I felt it was good.. a nice change from most of the other maps I've played.
 Bloody Hell
#1299 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/26 03:17:03
I thought either you'd got the URL wrong or my monitor had decided to display some random image off www.architectsdrafts.gr....
Well. Very original obviously. Indeed. I think it looks pretty intriguing, I'd definitely give it a look if I had Q3A. Looks like it would play pretty fun as long as it's not too easy to fall down the chasm. I quite like the style. The one thing I'd do, since it's like some weirdo fucked up temple thing, is try to accentuate that a bit with a bit more "realism" in designs. For example, the ramp thing looks a bit out of place.
Nice one anyway.
This map looks... uhm... interesting to say the least. From the screenshots it looks like you've been on crack while mapping this but I hope playing the map will prove me wrong... it was acid after all, wasn't it?
I don't have Q3 installed at the moment but this screenshots might make me do that. I'll see if I'm able to look at this later today...
 D3 Wip
#1302 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/26 05:05:40
...but effective. Has appropriate D3 feel. Good start.
 Gom Jabbar
#1303 posted by JPL on 2004/08/26 05:48:44
Well, architecture looks good, even if rather "simple".. Texture use is a too much "flat" IMHO... As well, i think that lightning effects can be really improved: it's a little bit dark I think... Anyway, for a first D3 map, it's a good start... Keep it up !!
 Thanks Guys!
#1304 posted by pjw on 2004/08/26 10:42:17
Yeah, the design is a little . . . "different". No drugs involved--more just not really giving a crap about it looking like anything in particular and just mapping for the fun of it and playing with layout.
Shadowdane--good suggestion. Yeah, more detailing needs to be done, but since there's not much vis-blocking, I'm trying to keep things lean.
I did notice while playing more last night that it's pretty quick to go RA --> MH. I'm thinking about removing the MH, from Tourney at least, and maybe altogether . . .
#1305 posted by pushplay on 2004/08/26 20:06:04
the good: the waterfall, the rocks, the broken path is convincing
the bad: a lot of platforms feel poorly defined because of a lack of trim, holy 90degrees batman
the ugly: that damn grate texture
 Thanks Pushplay
#1306 posted by pjw on 2004/08/26 20:45:32
Yeah, the lack of trim and the 90-degreeness are both the result of making the map too damn open. :(
I'll try to dress it up a little more before it's done.
 New Pics
#1308 posted by pjw on 2004/08/27 19:41:18
Shadowdane, pics look cool, but possibly a bit dark overall (almost certainly so, if those were taken at anything but r_gamma 1.0).
 Sexy Is What Sexy Does
#1309 posted by HeadThump on 2004/08/27 20:27:27
Nice looking map, Shadowdale. As far as I can tell, as someone who has downloaded about everything from .:lvl over the past three years, this is an original looking map. Bluish lighting and brick, very sedate mood like shooting skeet in the Bunker with William Burroughs while throwing back some whiskey and 'ludes.
One slight quibble. In the upper left hand corner of shad3dm2_pic2.jpg two adjacent textures that do not match up well. I would suggest lowering the texture with the square patterns down to where they meet the adjacent texture's verticle line. It may be just a visual trick from that pic's perspective but to my eyes it calls attention to itself.
#1310 posted by pjw on 2004/08/27 22:01:12
"Shadowdale" = Chip's evil *other* buddy, created by the anti-Disney.
yah the pics are at r_gamma 1, I do all my mapping to look best at that setting. The light levels pretty much match that of the stock Q3 maps. Except for the basement area, pictured in pic5.. I want it to be dark.
Also the level looks darker in screenshots than it does in game.. dunno exactly why.
#1312 posted by Shambler on 2004/08/28 04:22:01
Nice style, slick execution, great lighting....but get rid of the damn bricks on the ceiling structures :P
#1313 posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/08/28 10:34:58
Diffenently looking better. Screens look a little dark, but thats already been adressed. Keep it up.
 Re: Shambler
I assume your talking about pic #4 right with the brick on the ceiling. Never really liked it myself, and couldn't figure out what to do with it so had left it for a while. But finally re-worked it slightly, better/worse?
(its from a different angle, but u get the idea)
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