#1340 posted by
lightR on 2004/09/07 07:34:35
gets worse with every map
that a ture phenomenon

#1344 posted by
JPL on 2004/09/07 08:54:38
It turns to gay contest !!!

Oh, Case Solved, Everyone Move On...
#1345 posted by
- on 2004/09/07 11:02:33
<scampwork> Vondur, you here?
<biff> 9:53 <Vondur> And if scampie shows up looking for me, tell him to fuckov!
<scampwork> :(
<biff> heheh, I kid!
<scampwork> just wanted to let him know, our friend lightR is Speedu.
<biff> lightR?
<Vondur> scampie?
<scampwork> lightR [] Speedu is ~Doom@VZLAB-gw.RUSnet.ru Dns resolved VZLAB-gw.RUSnet.ru to
<Vondur> haha
<scampwork> this is after Speedu claimed not to know the architecture article and that he doesn't read func_qmap
<scampwork> i had searched google for lightR's ip, just to see if he was a troll on other places or something... only results I got were old posts on func_qmap by speedy
At least it's one of our own being an asshole.
#1346 posted by
lightR on 2004/09/07 13:08:04
oh no! internet police got me! haha
well, posts here are real (if u only had a clue shrimpy) , the other thread is obvious trolling, but that article sure needs pics neway
#1347 posted by
lightR on 2004/09/07 13:08:07
oh no! internet police got me! haha
well, posts here are real (if u only had a clue shrimpy) , the other thread is obvious trolling, but that article sure needs pics neway

I'm Bored Damnit
#1350 posted by
Megazoid on 2004/09/07 17:17:24
I demand somebody up a Q1 SP beta map immediately.

RE: I'm Bored Damnit
#1351 posted by
Jago on 2004/09/07 18:01:01
I would... if I had some webspace to upload the map to. I might want to spend some more time working on the first few rooms of the map (improve lighting, texturing and add some more detail), but my Q1SP I have in the works is geometrically about 70% complete so I want to have a couple of people give me some feedback on it.

I Can Host It If You Like.
#1352 posted by
Megazoid on 2004/09/07 19:15:03
I have just got admin back on my site, so I can host your beta, and finished map too if you want :)
Mail me : megazoid (�) ntlworld.com

Yet More Work-in-progress...
#1353 posted by
Jago on 2004/09/07 20:35:24

#1355 posted by
necros on 2004/09/07 23:36:02
i have a map that needs beta testing, but i'm too busy with other projects to care about that right now...

#1356 posted by
pope on 2004/09/08 01:46:10
wtf is wrong with you people :D
yes rpg, your observation is correct

#1357 posted by
JPL on 2004/09/08 02:09:20
Nice screenshots !!! When it will be released ???

#1358 posted by
HeadThump on 2004/09/08 02:40:34
wtf is wrong with you people :D
I can only speak for myself, but I was dropped on my head as a baby. I still have the stitch marks.

#1359 posted by
nb on 2004/09/09 11:23:36
I have some beta-ish q3 maps that have been lying around for awhile; I'd probably better polish them off (or release them as-is) before I get totally distracted by Doom3. Two small DMs, one old CTF, one rail arena; comments welcome:

Hate Tha Us
#1360 posted by chris aka topher on 2004/09/09 14:01:10
i hate it when people from the us think that all alabama people are red necks and all of them have accents like a hick and it pisses me off so fuck yall or think other wise

Im Not From The Us
#1362 posted by
starbuck on 2004/09/09 18:30:21
and i do not hold that view, but let me apologise on behalf of my brother man for such disrespectful comments. When I come to a fork in the road and the land is filled with darkness, I think 'What Would Jesus Do?' and merciful lord god tells the messiah to keep me in the path of righteousness and light.
let Jesus into your heart, Chris aka Topher, and you will reach the promised land, for Christ doesnt care if you're a gay, an oriental, or a regular guy, he will forgive your sins :) :)
take care

#1363 posted by
Kinn on 2004/09/09 18:37:12
This delightful little painting seems appropriate here:

Thank You Kinn
#1364 posted by
starbuck on 2004/09/09 18:56:21
trucks are people too, and we should respect them