#1019 posted by
skacky on 2017/06/25 02:00:26
soz im drni tonight, drank some wine an thne some beer tried to woo a lass but 50+ peopl sin(t really the nice setting
#1020 posted by
skacky on 2017/06/25 02:00:49
also otp sucs flaccid cock

Go Map Skacky You're Drunk
#1021 posted by
Zwiffle on 2017/06/25 13:32:10

TBH, Looks Fairly Rational To Me.
#1022 posted by
Shambler on 2017/06/25 22:12:51
#1020 especially.
#1023 posted by
muk on 2017/07/13 02:59:23
i promise to get smashed soon just so i can post in this thread.

#tf Celebrates Vondur's Birthday

#1027 posted by
PuLSaR on 2019/01/24 23:51:27
let's discuss personal preferences.
my choice is caol ila

#1028 posted by uKKo on 2019/01/25 00:43:02
Deep spiritis

Jim Beam
#1029 posted by
Scrama on 2019/01/25 06:35:36
But I prefer armenian brandy,

#1030 posted by
Drew on 2019/01/25 06:43:29
La Fin Du Monde (Unibroue [Canada])

Bumping To Say
DM6RMX by than was probably the best map last year.

I was accused of being too drunk to post this.
Mukor, I hope you kill yourself.
HTH (Hope This Helps).
Love (not to you),

Missed his calling, he should be writing Hallmark cards.

#1036 posted by
Shambler on 2019/04/04 10:54:47
You did get the wrong thread tho OTP, GGWP

You Rascals
#1037 posted by Tronyn on 2019/04/06 04:51:38
out and about even in these latter benighted days
#1038 posted by
muk on 2019/04/19 05:01:23
otp(onetruepurple, idk, just in case idk maybe you like idk didnt know what otp meant? idk?"), you suk.
#1039 posted by
muk on 2019/04/19 05:04:05
btw otp means onetruepurple just so you know, you know what i mean you know frfr? ok?

Fucking Idiot
This is the Drunk Thread, not the Delinquent Deadbeat Father Tweaking Out On Meth Thread.