You Lot A Rubbish.
#82 posted by
Shambler on 2017/08/04 14:01:10
Redeem yourself by posting some news / videos showing how utterly thrilling PC gaming will be in the next few years.

#83 posted by
DaZ on 2017/08/04 14:55:35
PUBG full release : this game is something else. It's lovely to see a high stakes multiplayer fps get some recognition. Bring on the clones!
Star Citizen : Really looking forward to this space sandbox! Maybe it'll be out fully in another 2-3 years? Who knows. I hope the single player campaign is excellent.
XCOM 2 WotC : This expansion looks farking excellent. So much new shit to do. A bit pricey for an X-pac but I'm guaranteed to get my moneys worth from it.
Destiny 2 : Destiny is great on ps4, can't wait to see how it feels on pc with a proper framerate etc.
Wolfenstein 2 - German boogaloo : Gameplay I've seen looks great. Looking forward to the acid trip level, don't let me down czg!!!
Metro Exodus : because of course it's in my list. Gameplay demo shown at whateverthefuckitwas blew my socks off.
Warframe - Tides of Eidolon : Warframe is getting an open world map to explore with everything that entails.. and fishing? Definitely worth a look when it's released.
DayZ full release : It's hitting beta (finally) this year and hopefully that means it'll start becoming a game and less a frustrating test bed. With that said, holy shit I've had some experiences in this thing. Definitely the best wilderness survival sandbox out there thanks to the lack of focus on fucking crafting bullshit and the beautiful world.
Anthem : On the fence with this one. It has the potential to be awesome but I'm firmly in the "wait and see" bucket. Love those suits though :)
Half-Lahahahahahahahahahaha *cries into potty*
Wolfenstein 2 is the only triple A game I am looking forward to this year.

Isnt PUBG Already A Clone Of Whatever Battle Royale PU Was On Before ?
#85 posted by
Shambler on 2017/08/04 15:23:25
Metro Exodus is the only triple A game I am looking forward to this year.

Has Czg Gone Onto The Professional Scene?
#86 posted by
brassbite on 2017/08/05 09:20:19
Wolfenstein 2 - German boogaloo : Gameplay I've seen looks great. Looking forward to the acid trip level, don't let me down czg!!!

#87 posted by
DaZ on 2017/08/05 13:33:01
iirc he worked at Starbreeze (?) then moved to Machine Games. He did Wolf:TNO and the X-pac.

Props To Him!
#88 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/08/05 14:49:02
Must be nice to make a living out of his passion. I wish I did with my music.

He Also Worled On That Skrillex Commercial
#89 posted by
negke on 2017/08/05 17:12:24

Anyone Has More Details
#90 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/08/05 19:04:23
about the maps he worked on for Wolf?

Was Czg Involved At All With
#91 posted by
Drew on 2017/08/06 04:21:15
or had he moved on by that point.

#93 posted by
Shambler on 2017/09/05 18:27:26
Movement and headbob look real janky. Crosshair is a bit out of place. Playable areas are underwhelming so far....but....

WorldWarPunk Strategy / Tactics Game??
#94 posted by
Shambler on 2017/10/11 20:27:54
Dem robots man. Love this style. Also hyped for more RTS especially if it's about combat strategy / tactics and not just endless base-building resource-cock-gobbling political-micro-management bullshit (Total Warhammer I'm looking at you with the last one)/

Ohhh Yeah.
#95 posted by
Shambler on 2017/11/17 12:37:27
Battletech single player campaign. Be warned AI is disabled for this video, but it's already pretty challenging in the revamped skirmish beta. Proper maps look sweet and the whole thing is shaping up well.
Both of those look pretty good

Another Guaranteed* Cert:
#97 posted by
Shambler on 2017/12/08 11:06:31
* okay may not be guaranteed, but it's Metro and the vibes are always spot on. i wonder if this one is gearing up to be a bit more non-linear / semi-open?? Could be cool.

Upgrading This To Hype Level Hype.
#98 posted by
Shambler on 2018/03/28 22:40:49
Based on the 2nd combat they play. Sure it's an XCom clone but with real time exploration thrown in and a theme of it's own.....

#99 posted by
Shambler on 2018/10/31 15:50:08
Fuck knows about the state of gaming....

#100 posted by
Drew on 2018/11/04 00:48:07
What were thoughts of people here about cthulu

#102 posted by
Shambler on 2019/02/09 14:29:18
Yup. Count me in.

Some 1 Year Delay Hype....
#103 posted by
Shambler on 2019/09/09 19:02:35
A few timed Epic Malware exclusives to look forward to a year late (hopefully patched and discounted):
Mechwarrior 5
Metro Exodus
The Outer Worlds
Phoenix Point
Rune 2
The Sinking City
(Just noting them down so I remember)

Thumbs Up For Control
#104 posted by
Esrael on 2019/09/09 20:45:28
After some quick googling wasn't the Epic store pulling these malwarish moves only around the time it was launched, but they were fixed or something? So I decided to trust them for now and bought Control. I figured it would be good to give Steam some competition and support the developers while doing so, since devs get a larger cut from Epic.
Anyway, I really like Control. If you like metroidvanias and exploration, you very well might like this. Also, if you liked HL2's gravity gun, you'll like the well executed telekinesis ability of Control. (Although I have a feeling it's a bit OP. It's still fun, though.)

Yeah Sorry My Mistake
#105 posted by
Shambler on 2019/09/10 13:49:57
I meant Epic Anti-Competitive Anti-Consumer Store....

Was Chatting To Daz Yesterday.
#106 posted by
Shambler on 2020/11/15 10:40:11
And keeping the hype levels high for:
Necromunda - when patched and on sale.
Horizon Zero Dawn - when patched and on sale.
Rune 2 Reboot - when patched and on sale.
Iron Harvest - when on heavy sale.
Phoenix Point proper steam release - if well discounted.
Mechwarrior 5 proper steam release - if well discounted.
Cyberpunk 2077
Deathloop - if not too repetitive
WH40K Darktide - 40k vermintide yes plz
Baldur's Gate 3 - BG DOS style yes plz
Atomic Heart - looks cool
Next 4A game (new IP)
Next From Software game (written by GRRM)
Stalker 2
Hellblade 2