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Q1SP: Five Rivers Land
This project is a remake of Doom3 Hell level, split in 3 small/medium maps due to the amount of details of the original, using the Doom3 texture set I converted last year plus some few others.

For this project, I tried to put the emphasis on the ambiance, adding new sounds, and more details than in others of my previous maps. Like in Doom3, the gameplay is very linear, so don't hate me please... but I tried to respect the original Hell level... even if I added some personal touches (e.g: secrets)

Note: Quoth pack is needed to play the maps properly. Unzip this pack into your quoth directory.




All comments and advices are welcome: enjoy !

PS1: Special thanks to aguirRe, Trinca and JohnXmas for their contributions to this project: you rock !

PS2: Five Rivers Land title comes from the 5 crossing rivers of Hell... Read the text file for further details ;)
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AguirRe Is Rigth... 
There is a certain strategy to use, for sure... I'll comment later on this...

BTW, Sielwolf, I still didn't download the demo, could send it via email please ? 
Sielwolf's Demos 
Sielwolf: You're apparently a very patient player. The amount of times you jumped into that blood pool in map 2 would have driven me nuts. When you did that for the 5th time or so, I cringed in my chair.

Frequent use of boomstick and shamblerdance maneuvers isn't my idea of fun, either. I finished that map much, much quicker because I just didn't bother to kill everything...

The arena (map 3): Well I played in the same way basically (is there another way?) Just that I used Impulse 9 instead of doing what Sielwolf did.

Personally I don't find it the least bit exciting killing 20 death lords in a row with a rocket launcher, but to each his own I guess.

JPL, instead of confronting the player with groups of 4-8 monsters of the same type, then another type, why not mix them up more? Is that coming from Doom 3?

Playing like you're afraid: Yeah, I guess that hits the nail on the head. Problem is I'm more the trigger-happy type (hey, I play QUAKE!) and so I need maps that cater to an aggressive playstyle.

I'd even say I liked the gameplay in src better, apart from the bobs. 
Is that coming from Doom 3?

No, in original Doom 3 , there is a single monster, with some other minor 'flyers' (i.e the Guardian), that is the Hell big boss...

Well, as I already said, the gameplay is really similar to Doom 3 gameplay: linear .... Well, I know it sucks and it could have been improved, but as I've chosen to make a remake, it has to follow certain rules, and at least to look like the original... :P
The most difficult thing to render was the ambiance... and regarding the comments posted here, I guess I hit the target I fixed, more or less...

Anyway, thanks a lot to all the people who posted here, and who supported me during this project.. 
Pretty amazing. Some indoor areas seemed a bit plain but I loved the Doomish atmosphere, the sound effects and the texture set. Also, combat was top notch. I especially enjoyed the last map - health/ammo balance was just right. 
Hellishly Delicious 
JPL..this is great stuff. Totally immersive evil atmosphere, great use of ambient sound and I personally loved the textures in the context of the setting. The inclusion of the Quoth entities only made it that much better. 
Does a very good job of replicating D3 hell feel, very accurate, although that is a double edge sword because although it's a cool style it is also a bit flat and bland layout-wise. Still, top marks for execution and style.

Gameplay was variable, very hard to start, good in the second map, in fact that was a real blast. Final map I sorta got bored with. 
nice maps, I liked the atmosphere a lot, though I agree with the comments that some of the locations were a bit bland, and the gameplay a bit linear and occasionally unfair, but I know you can blame a lot of that on Doom 3 itself. Good effort too, there's a lot of mappage here so thanks and congrats! 
It is a good map.

Can you make a fast, easy fragging zone map in the style of original Quake for us more aggressive guys in the future? :-) 
More frightening and agressive than this map ? Do you really want to die in the first second ?

No, actually, I planned to start something new, based on Quoth (or Quoth2.... nevermind), but I still don't have a clear theme... I'd like to go for a medieval map, but Quoth2 is more base oriented (regarding the new monsters added... at least in the preliminary release of last year)

Wait and see....

And as usual: thanks a lot for all the comments above ;) 
Very Cool Map 
Looks very Doom3 athmospheric. The skybox and textures really rock
But I don't think that the gameplay is Doom3 like. Doom3 is like running through the maps only using the shotgun. this doesn't work in 5river land.

Apart from that I experienced framerate drops at the start, it seems that there are too many dynamic lights for my 8500gt.
I had something similar with my old onboard i810 intel gfx-card, with the difference that only one dynamic light dropped the framerate. and I remembered that i fixed this with adding -nomtex to the command line.
So I tried this and it worked. 
You Could Also Try 
r_flatlightstyles 1 in Fitz or my GL-engines. 
Apart from that I experienced framerate drops at the start

You had framerate drops at the start: in which order ? Cause I didn't get that with my PC... or maybe the r_flatlightstyles 1 command is in my default Quake setup....

Anyway, thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed the map ;)
Exactely here. Maybe the gfx driver is not too good 
Oh, it is indeed surprising... I didn't experienced such behaviour, except when the maps was fastvised... thought... 
Why Isnt This A News Thread 
I thought this was released yesterday or something... I lose :/ 
Took a look at it
I think the textures dont really work because they are too dark and all the light is lost on them. I had to use gamma .6 to see anything and it still looked pretty undefined cause of the very dark textures and lighting (btw are there any falling shadows at all? I havent noticed). The most common rock texture is just bad. What are the .lit files for? I havent seen any colored light (tried with DP and Fitzhack)
Nice try to remake the d3 hell maps anyway, some detailing looks good. And the sounds and skybox make a good atmosphere.
The jumping-shit before the vore was really bad idea f9... f9... oh fuck this. (and its present even on ez skill, are you a sadist?)
Final arena was fun, replayed it few times (except its rather choppy in Fitz, even DP runs faster).
Very doom3 overall - dark and you cant see much, annoying monsters(vorelings), nice detailiing, gameplay is a mixed bag. :P 
DaZ / Speeds 
DaZ: Indeed it was released by ned of July last year... I guess you were on holiday at this time :P No go play and provide feedback please ;)

Speeds: There are colored lights in the map, but I didn't forced the value in order to have something completely red or blue..; The ligth color effects are "smooth".. I tried actually to make a "downmake" of Doom3 Hell level, and I guess I captured the ambience right ? And concerning the texture: I used Doom3 only, except for the sky (Biff's sky9 tex), so well, I admit it looks odd, but it is the best rock texture in the Doom3 set...
Anyway, thanks for your feedback ;) 
i played this map a while ago but never got round to posting feedback it seems.

first off, i loved the end arena.. VERY well executed. the ammo balance was just right, the quad was appropriate (i liked how there was a choice between taking it straight away or saving it for the bigger critters) and the sniping enforcers were cool - having to focus on taking them down whilst avoiding the ground monsters added an extra dimension to the gameplay. it took me 3-4 attempts in total but was never frustrating since i could always put up a solid fight and was always fairly beaten.. plus it was a fun battle :)

the rest of the map, i'm sad to say, didn't do much for me at all :(

i haven't played doom 3 so this was a q1 map in itself for me. there were a number of things i didn't like about it though. firstly it just felt a little claustrophobic (after the first arena) without much freedom to move or explore.. gameplay felt too restricted as a result. secondly the lighting felt too dark & drab overall.. i sense you were going for a 'dark' mood but i'd have preferred a little more contrast all the same. thirdly the layout seemed a little disparate and linear.. with simply one area after another and no route choices or backtracking.. i'm surprised you couldn't fit the first two maps in one since they didn't feel particularly big or detailed.. that probably didn't help matters.

there are probably more things i could nitpick but it probably all just boils down to this not being my style of map. i can appreciate you were going for the style of another game though.. i guess the doom3 copy that's been sitting unplayed on my shelf for 3.5 years should just remain there ;) 
how i'm supposed to get the RA secret in the 2ns map ?
About the 3rd map : the last 2 rows of monsters (gugs and flying lightning beasts) were sick. I was playing on normal difficulty. I hardly finished them, helping by getting up on some rocks in a corner before finished last knight.
I had the RA armour (but a bit sacrificed by some RJ), but the quad would be really welcome. I used it before, picked it unwillingly while running around at the first stages from those fiends and knights). 
RA secret in 2nd map: There is a stone you have to push in the room with the RL (stone bridge with the cultist "song"), just on the left, when you enter... it will open some bars. in the previous room...

And concerning the end area, I really advice player to think twice before using it at the beginning... really... ;)

Thanks for the feedback 
Corpse Removal? 
i was reading how to do this in nsoe2 and putting the cvar into an autoexec file.
i tried temp1 4, but i realised it probably is a different cvar with this mod/map. 
Peter Tron 
You should check Kell's Quoth webpage: you might find what you are looking for there:
.. or directly ask necros/Kell/Preach in mapping help thread ;) 
i don't know, sorry. i didn't add a way for the player to control corpse removal, but preach might have. 
or... well, ok, if you want to edit the entities in the map .bsp... you can change/add worldspawn's 'corpse_time' key to set the number of seconds before corpses disappear. you'd have to restart the map for it to take effect though. 
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