Nice Pack
#3 posted by
JPL on 2008/10/27 13:06:03
Negke has a cool rendering of Hawa�an islands: luxurious vegetation, and a volcano... cool The secret was also a nice touch, and I was particularly lucky to find it
Zwiffle is so far visaully the best, but gameplay is really hard. I cannot defeat the bastards without godmode help... sorry...
Anyway, it was a nice small pack: keep it up !!!

Zwiffle Won The Contest.
#4 posted by Drew on 2008/10/27 17:39:30
But they were both okay. I liked Neg(!)kes palm trees. I'll probably have one soon - just got back and I'm trying to sort out some issues on my computer.
#5 posted by
st3ady on 2008/10/27 19:32:10
hehe nice job guys
damn! i hate missing these speed mapping competitions. I plan on participating this Saturday :D

Negke's Map
is quite a far cry from usual speedmapping.

#8 posted by
Zwiffle on 2008/10/28 21:15:26
Retaining his eloquence as a literate map reviewer.
#9 posted by
Trinca on 2008/10/28 21:34:33
ok girls finaly play then!!!
finaly a fine challing map from Zuffle great fun!!!
negke i crew everything but map was so easy that i finish it anyway :p
sorry Spirit :\ i upload then to wrong place!

#11 posted by
Shambler on 2008/10/29 01:21:49

#12 posted by
Shambler on 2008/10/31 00:16:03
Found another route (it's a good map for it!!), 0:06 should be possible. Someone do it yo.
#13 posted by
ijed on 2008/10/31 03:59:34
Negke - Nice use of cthon.
Zwiffle - About as tropical as Lilt, but good gameplay.
#14 posted by
Zwiffle on 2008/10/31 04:03:05
I don't know what Lilt is. I will assume it is very tropical.

#15 posted by
ijed on 2008/10/31 04:40:07
It's a pineapple softdrink, famous in fish and chips places in England.
So when you're drunk and tucking into a greasy mess with the fat, pale girl with tits to her knees at 17 behind the counter chatting you up and you're repenting buying a can of the crap theres a distinct untropicalness to it.

The Map
#17 posted by
ijed on 2008/10/31 04:41:15
Not the cow selling fish and chips.

Battered Flaps
#18 posted by
Shambler on 2008/10/31 10:31:09
Dude it is all about Dandelion And Burdock if they have it. Lilt my arse.

#19 posted by
nahkahiir on 2008/10/31 11:27:11
I found three ways to get 6, route b is the fastest and maybe even 5 is possible with a well executed fiend push.

Dandelion And Burdock
#21 posted by
ijed on 2008/10/31 13:17:11
Always turns up when you're camping.

#22 posted by
Shambler on 2008/10/31 13:20:27
Nice one!
But....none of those are the 0:06 route I'd found....can you find that one please, I want to see someone do it :).

#23 posted by
Shambler on 2008/10/31 13:21:16
Most routes for smallest map ever.
0:06 might even be possible with my route if you get the OGJ using a grenade before it's landed and get some good bunnies - bonus points you do do that too (please ;))

Tick Tock Tick Tock
#24 posted by
Shambler on 2008/11/04 14:50:48
Impatient Shambler is waiting...

I Didn't Find Your Ultimate Trick
#25 posted by
nahkahiir on 2008/11/07 17:52:25
Instead of that I skipped the green armor, did a spawn boost and finished in 5 seconds! ;)

That's The One!!
#26 posted by
Shambler on 2008/11/07 23:52:58
That's the route I meant. I tried it a few times but never managed to get the spawn boost right especially as it jumps up just as you're about to kill it.
Good effort, nicely done. Best speedrunning/size map evar ;).