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Quake Map Jam 666 : Fire And Brimstone
Map Jamming is about creating maps of any size or detail level over several weeks, using a certain theme and/or texture set. Check the readme file in the zip below for further details of what the Jam is about.

Any questions or comments, please post to this thread only.

Theme - Fire and Brimstone
Deadline - 16th August 2015

Texture Wad - There are texture wads for this jam that include many theme related textures. It is not required to use these textures in your level, they are provided for inspiration and convenience only! Check this texture repository
for more wads :

Compile Tools - It is recommended that you use EricW's updated Quake compiler suite as they add much new functionality to lighting and visibility. Texture lighting in particular should be very useful for this jam!
Download EricW's tools :
Download worldcraft / Jackhammer fgd for these tools> :

Make it for Fitzquake / Quakespasm, bitches. You know the score.

Theme reference images:

It is a good idea to find reference images that you like so you can follow them and avoid staring at a blank editor wondering what to make!

Download the Map Jam 666 zip :

Also, a reminder : Water Alpha will be set to "1" for this jam! (Not transparent) because lava. Keep this in mind when building your maps!

Feel free to post wip images of your level in this thread! Good luck and GO MAP!

And finally, a list of designers that are streaming their level designs : (Ionous) (Daz)

Post below if you are streaming and I can get the list updated!
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Oh For The Love Of God 
I'm trying not to look incompetent here, but you people aren't making it easy.

Here's what I've got so far:

First an action shot of the opening area, with the newly added lava pump station in the background, then a closer look at one of the lights I've added to try and highlight the gates (I'll be tweaking the brightness as I go), and finally a shot of the pump approach.

The geometry hasn't gotten any more polished, obviously, but the thirty-odd enemies are in place (it's a tiny map, don't expect much), the triggers are all connected and basic lighting is in. The map plays start to finish, and I guess is ready for feedback about pacing/difficulty/ammo/health/etc.

How exactly do we go about testing these things? I don't know anybody who plays Quake, frankly. Do we all just beta test each other's maps? I feel like that must spoil some of the fun of seeing the finished product for the first time, but I'm up for whatever the custom is for Jams.

Halvgoeden: Cool arch, I love how something as simple as slightly curving a piece of architecture like that can make it so much more interesting. Have you considered bending that bridge partway across? Make an S shape, so to speak? A squarish S shape, sure, but just something to break up the symmetry.

ShoTro: Hey, a Quake 2 map! :P Sorry to break your balls, I know Daz already mentioned the lighting, I just couldn't resist. Beyond that, "a little underwhelming from what I initially planned" is the story of my life, so don't feel too bad about scaling down the scope. I'm still excited to play!

Daz: You were right about the .lit file, I have a custom build configuration in Jackhammer that builds outside the BSP directory and then copies the files in; I'd forgotten to copy the .lit file for my Extra4 config. Also great shots, can't wait to find out what the hidden treasure is.

unbirthday: Great pillars, I always enjoy trying to come up with different shapes to cap off things like that. And are those cannons in your second shot? Looks like one of those American Civil War era iron sided ships.

ionous: Fingers crossed you get everything done in time, I love trapezoids! I want to see the rest of that place.

Warren/necros/Scampie: Not to sound like a kissass, but I can't offer anything beyond drool and jealousy, sorry. 
Quick update, got some feedback from Daz on Twitter about my lighting, and I've just added a fourth image to that album. It's roughly the same shot as the first, but with doubled brightness on my sunlight2. Looks better, so I'm running with it, and the shot is now a more accurate representation of the map's visuals, in case anyone was wondering. 
Where is skacky?

Shots look rad, scampie in particular if you can bring that theme to proper fruition! 
How did you set your fog? I'd like to steal it. 
How did you set your fog? I'd like to steal it. 
I think skacky is working on a Thief project right now.

As for those feeling discouraged or comparing their work to other mappers, this isn't a competition. The idea is to encourage mapping and avoiding brush creep. I've participated once, and my map was terrible. But making a map that was playable from start to finish within a deadline was huge for me. And don't feel bad when looking at the shots of others. This community has a ton of veteran mappers, professionals, and former professionals. The Quake community is a uniquely golden opportunity to learn rapid, focused, gameplay oriented development while getting feedback from some of the best. If you're new, this is not a final exam. This is the gym. Go lift some brushes. 
Not mapping for this jam. 
Feeding Back 
I don't have screenshots yet. But I'm gonna have my level fully functional today or tomorrow... but unlit and using just one or two textures, ugly as a train wreck.

Some awesome screenies here. If I don't get back to my map now, I'm not keeping up. Promise to give more feedback later. Just loving to take part on this. 
Thanks for the critiques everyone, I am trying to get my crazy lighting under control (if I find something new, I tend to go overboard with it). I will try sunlight2 instead and maybe grey out the red sun aspect of the map.

Loving the maps out there. It is cool that so many different styles of maps are coming out of this theme. Keep up the good work!

@ItEndsWithTens - I have to say that those "totems" with the evil grins sell the setting all by themselves. 
Looking Good 
Except for Scampie, who should really incorporate the scraps from the Vigil chainmap or gtfo! 
You will actually likely want to combine sunlight and sunlight2, they work best in tandom. sunlight more or less casts a large spotlight, and is responsible for making nice crisp shadows. sunlight2 basically casts ambient light from your sky, which prevents things like dark shadows right in sight of the sky which looks poor. 
You will actually likely want to combine sunlight and sunlight2, they work best in tandom. sunlight more or less casts a large spotlight, and is responsible for making nice crisp shadows. sunlight2 basically casts ambient light from your sky, which prevents things like dark shadows right in sight of the sky which looks poor. 
Necros You Crazy 
Very Cool Stuff. 

Sure, just add a "_fog" key to your world properties with these values : .035 .35 .25 .25 
surprising how close your fog is to mine, I have 0.025 0.35 0.3 0.3 
Is It Possible To Trigger A Fog Colour Change? 
I plan on having my player go through a teleporter and fog appearing on the other side of the tele 
Not Without A Mod 
@Warren _fog 
Yes, I did this on that DM level you liked, but it doesn't work on some video cards. It looks perfect in my desktop but overly bright at work and in my notebook. Some people are saying "the fog is to dense to see the level" as well. I was hoping you used some other setting. My fog level is 0.05, but I'm pretty sure I used 0-255 values for RGB... Gonna test again later. 
Fog Differs Between Engines 
Warren Adn Scampie 
looking great guys!

Some of the others are promising too. I dont yet know what to make of necros' engine breaking map (need more shots hehe). 
Firstly, I have been blown away by the amount of interest this map jam has garnered, it's wonderful to see so many new and returning faces to Quake level design and I certainly didn't expect it!

One thing that this means that I hadn't factored in is that a lot of the people building maps have been relearning the tools or learning from scratch which has taken a huge bite out of their available mapping time with less output as a result.



Hopefully this will help people who have been struggling to (re)learn the tools to get that extra boost that they needed to finish up their maps. I must emphasise that this deadline extension is so that you can finish and polish what you are currently working on! Don't get crazy and add 4 more wings and a secret level to your plans! I (and everyone else!) would rather have a smaller but complete and polished level rather than an unreleased behemoth! Keep your scope the same, refine, refine refine!

With the deadline extension in place, we won't be having a mid week ROLL CALL this week. The next official ROLL CALL will be next sunday 9th August! With that said, feel free to post wip images whenever you please!

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