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New Q1SP Mission - Travail
Let us start you on a journey...a Quake Journey. Share the Travail!

* 1 new Quake mission
* 2 new episodes and a triple barrel finale
* A 2 level secret mini mission
* 15 single player levels and 3 multiplayer levels
* 2 new bosses, stock and modified after market enemies, one beloved weapon mod, and some new physics
* 4 Easter Eggs, 30+ secrets, countless references to the game and the community

Info, screens and download links at
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Whimp Savegame 
issue seems to be caused by having an EOF character in the player name, thus the failed loading. Most engines have issues with this, so it's recommended to avoid weird player names when saving in single player. 
Roll On The Weekend 
When I can play the pack all together along with the music emulated via daemon.

I don't want to play 5 minutes at a time . . .

But I took a look, and it looks good.

Can't find that damn NM entrance though ;) 
Played Through It 
Definitely enjoyed it. The first episode seemed more like a piece of artwork than a level. The brushwork is very detailed, but most of the time its cramped, and I got stuck a few times. But visually, top notch.

The second episode was much better, More open space, better design, and gameplay wise. Very enjoyable.

Overall this is a great pack with hours of entertainment. Download it now. 
Why is cl_bob always set to 0? I prefer to see the bobbing of my weapon when I move around.

I hate it when mods screw around with my config... 
So do I. However, in this case something else is to blame. 
Whats to blame? The people who made Travail? Satan? 
The mod doesn't change the config. 
Well Then... 
...if its possible, how do I get it to stop changing cl_bob to 0? 
Put cl_bob 1 in the autoexec.cfg 
cl_bob 0.02 is, and always has been in my autoexec.cfg. Travail seems to ignore and change it to 0 everytime. 
It looks like demo1.dem in Travail sets cl_bob 0. To prevent this, you can e.g. add +map start to the cmd line and then make sure not to run demo1 in-game. 
this seems like a candidate for "engine bug." Probably, settings stored in a demo should not persist after the demo stops playing. 
...could you please explain what is and how to play "music emulated via daemon". I suspect it's something pretty obvious, but, still, I never heard of it... Thanks!!! 
It might be that there's a stuffcmd doing that in the demo, it's supported in the spec so that you get the bf commands when someone picks up a weapon etc. I imagine if the demo was edited with one of the SDA tools or similar, it'd be common practice to put that kind of command at the start of the demo by default, to ensure a smooth playback. 
Finished It 
Definitely liked it, was epic and entertaining. The dm2 area was awesome :D 
Barnak: long live Quake indeed

nitin: you have a good eye, as far as the textures for dm2 there's at least six distinct sources...some from metlslime, kell, DKT etc. I worked hard to get a coherent feel in the set.

Orl/Preach et al: yeah, that demo1 was edited initially with SDA tools. We live and learn :)

inertia: first one to comment on the dm2ish area, hehe glad you liked it! 
Demos Changing Cvars 
Quake's endless mysteries. This game just never stops to bring up new stuff to confuse people. What's next? 
I'm To Blame 
I added cl_bob 0 to the demo BizarroSouless made with a demo editor tool because I couldn't stand the bobbing (I thought he played with bobbing on while recording the demo and "corrected" that, a mistake I wouldn't make today). 
the brick texture is the one I was talking about. It looks great.

ok, intended to play a bit more last night, ended up playing the whole pack (well I'm up to the boss levels which I saved for the weekend). Its great stuff overall, I loved it.

Scragbait's later levels are awesome, I loved the evil feel in the last two, in fact atmosphere is the name of the game here, the pack is full of it and I was very happy with that aspect.

Distrans, your level set is A+ material, loved the combat and loved the look. There were quite a few spots I stopped and just admired the exquisite combination of brushwork and texturing.

Noticed the dm2 section too, nice touch. the new mosters were quite ood and very well integrated. The cave section with the spiders was a real highlight for me, that was as tense as anything I've played in quite some time.

great effort both of you, I just wish I could appreciate the music too, maybe time to get a new soundcard :) 
Nice Work Chaps 
I've been lurking & stalking you lot since the Qmap days, about time I made a comment :/
Seems this pack is a worthy reason.

I had problems with Fitz. When starting the screen was just black. I could hear the demo rolling but bugger all vision :/
An old infrequent problem arose again when I alt-tabbed. When coming back to the game I get half a screen ?! the top half just black. I don't think this is a Travail issue as it's happened before on a diff machine with diff maps. A Fitz complaint ? (using 080 btw).
I reverted to Joequake, not my first choice for SP quake but it ran fine :)

I played on hard, I couldn't be arsed to find the Nightmare tele, (I always try to) was there one ? or was it something to do with fragging the Smablah at the start ?

The main reason I felt the urge to comment was in fact the DM2 area. Heh, very nice :)
After walking in to the 'main' room and seeing the bars either side, the steps either side as well... 'hang on a minute... this seems familiar, ahh they just copied that bit and... ahh I see.. ' Good stuff :o)

Another nice touch was the spider bites. Nicely done I thought. Although the damn things give me the creeps, the main start of that map drastically cut my FPS.
The 'teleporting towards you Smablahs' was a nice trick too. You run forward and shit! in your face fat bloke!

Never really been a huge fan of end of level bosses, (nice knickers btw) and I went God for the last half of the ruck :(
With the odd noclip and a few confused issues with bearings, overall this was a fun pack.
Off for another go.
Thanks guys. :o)

Sir H 
GPL Material 
I guess this should have been obvious. You used snippets of DM2 which is under the GPL. You even hinted at it in the readme file.

Straight from the GPL:

2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:

a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.


These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License



^^ This means that Travail in its current form must be licensed under the GPL. ^^


3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code



^^ It should be very clear what this means. You should update the Travail distribution to include the required license note, mark the map to be based on DM2, and either include the complete Travail map sources or a written offer to provide them.


Why don't people ever read the damn thing? 
... because it is too long... 
Did I get this right, you want to use the content, but the license is "too long" for you?! 
not trying to be an asshole here, but this excerpt from Travail's readme

"You may distribute this archive, without modifying its contents, via the internet or BBS systems. Apart from that, you may play it...that's all"

is - to put it mildly - ridiculous if you consider those "contents" contain GPL licensed material.

No. The DM2 snippet was not taken from the released id maps, but rebuilt from scratch. 
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