Posted by JPL on 2009/03/06 01:07:55 |
This time I'm definitively damned for sure... I wasted 17 days of fullvis just to generate HOMs that did not exist on the fastvis version of this project...
So after one year of work, I decided to release it as is... without trying to solve HOMs, regarding the uncertainty about any HOM solving after 17 days of fullvis process...
The action takes place on Earth, in a military base. Your mission is to enter the base, disable the nuclear reactor, and escape... alive as far as possible...
First I have several warnings:
1/ the map is fastvised, so you may experiment dome framerate drop down in some area
2/ This map exceeds 6 standard engine values, so you' prefer to play it with either aguirRe's GLQuake, or FitzQuake0.85
3/ This map requires Quoth2 mod.
As usual, feedback and comments are welcome ;)
Enjoy !
After readung the first set of comments, I've added an alternate download link for the fullvis version of the map (that contains .bsp and .lit file only) here http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/DownLoad/fort_driant-fullvis.zip
Please moderators add the link in the thread top post ;)
The HOMs are located in the reactor area... mainly (there are 2 big there) and a small one in after the SK door, before the first stairs..
Also, just a note I'd like to add: the maps rewards a lot exploration, as there are 14 secrets...
Thanks a lot for the encouragement ;) |
#1 posted by metlslime on 2009/03/06 01:57:31
if the HOMs are few enough, it might be better to have HOMs but much lower r_speeds.
Another pro tip with small-sized gaps, HOMs, etc. is to cover them with a spawned object (rock or bush or crate, depending on the game.) I know you can't add a brush model without rebuilding the bsp, but you could spawn other types of mapobjects with the quoth code.
That aside, I beta tested this map, it's a pretty cool map, nice big setpieces, good sense of place, some fun exploration for secrets.
 Flickering Lights
#2 posted by yhe1 on 2009/03/06 03:15:20
In SRC, I noticed you marked some secrets with Flickering lights. Are there anything like this in this map? I must play this map with r_flatlightstyles 1 and can't see the lights.
#3 posted by nitin on 2009/03/06 04:29:36
18MB bsp?? this must be some sort of monster :)
 Sure It Is!
#4 posted by madfox on 2009/03/06 06:33:32
a Ford Brilliant, I'm defenitely sure about it.
I used all my whishing spells, acracadabra's and it blew the witty ends out of me.
Only made it on easy skill as that Quoth monsters are sharp, especially in narrow combats.
But the architecture is nice done and the largeness made me feel more like an episode.
It can be a hard ace that fast vis and later find some homs.
Seventeen days is quiet long, but in this case it is more than worth.
You did a big job JPL!
#5 posted by pope on 2009/03/06 07:00:58
you say it needs Quoth2
but in the readme you also list adding
"-hipnotic" to the command line?
 I Believe
#6 posted by dooomer on 2009/03/06 07:37:14
the -hipnotic in the commandline is just for enabling the correct status bar.
 What Metl Said
#7 posted by bleh on 2009/03/06 08:00:34
I'd rather go with some HOMs than shitty performance. Besides, gl_clear might make it bearable, especially if one chooses an appropriate r_clearcolor to roughly match the environment.
Can't you at least release the fullvised version as an alternative download?
 R_speeds Aside
#8 posted by nitin on 2009/03/06 08:03:52
you have to really admire the ambition. Huge map, with great sense of place and lighting. Did get lost quite a bit and progression is spotty at best but very enjoyable apart from the slowdowns.
Can anything be done to fix that?
 Alternate Download
#9 posted by JPL on 2009/03/06 09:24:43
After readung the first set of comments, I've added an alternate download link for the fullvis version of the map (that contains .bsp and .lit file only) here http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/DownLoad/fort_driant-fullvis.zip
Please moderators add the link in the thread top post ;)
The HOMs are located in the reactor area... mainly (there are 2 big there) and a small one in after the SK door, before the first stairs..
Also, just a note I'd like to add: the maps rewards a lot exploration, as there are 14 secrets...
Thanks a lot for the encouragement ;)
#10 posted by JPL on 2009/03/06 09:34:46
You should enable the feature yes, as some secrets are located with flashlights... but the flashlights are not the trigger... :)
 First Impression
#11 posted by jakub on 2009/03/06 19:47:09
i've just finished full-vised version of the map and it's really monster. first run took me almost an hour. thanks for this map jpl. it's impresive piece of quake art. i've played with darkplaces and find only one bug: can't say exactly where but in one place there was a missing texture and was possible to look outside/inside the level. please, keep mapping :)
#12 posted by Spirit on 2009/03/06 20:01:34
Not my kind of map so I won't criticise. ;)
Except for the lighting which I found a bit too dark.
Oh and I find it a bit weird to get off from a ladder, had lots of trouble at one fight with that.
I think a map like this would be great in Half-Life. Split into 2-3 smaller ones and with clear objectives.
#13 posted by necros on 2009/03/06 23:55:33
very nice use of ambient sounds. it's good to hear some new sounds for a map, especially one that moves so far away from most maps.
played on normal, wasn't too hard. felt just right, actually. good use of all the different base reskins. i died at the end though, from one of my own quadded grenades. :S i don't think the fight would have been impossible or anything, it's just that i was backpedaling and i lobbed a grenade just as a scrag flew above me.
consistent brushwork with a good mix of doom3 and i think hl, hl2 textures? made for a solid looking map. some railings looked too think though, but that's more a limitation of the engine.
n1. :)
 More Time
#14 posted by ijed on 2009/03/07 18:25:16
Downloading the bsp than the entire Quoth pack - it must be a behamoth.
 I Need More Time
#15 posted by rudl on 2009/03/07 19:42:21
Can't wait to play this.
Shots look nice
 Excellent Map
#16 posted by Orl on 2009/03/08 03:52:44
Really great stuff. The tank and the truck sitting at the front gate at the start were superb. I have never seen a tank look that good in Quake before. You went all out with the details and it really paid off.
The rest of the map was also splendid with plenty of heavy firefights and exploration with some good lighting and textures.
The many ambient sound effects really added to the experience. Plenty of sounds I recognized from Doom 3.
My only complaint is that the beginning of the map is VERY hard on skill 2. I must have died about 10 times before I got plenty of health and better weapons.
But other than that, awesome work. Will surely play again, because I only played the fast vis one, and now that you released the full vis map I will give it another go with no framerate drops :)
 Thanks !
#17 posted by JPL on 2009/03/08 09:11:21
jakub: Thanks for comment, and also thanks for the DarkPlace testing: it is a good info that DP didn't crash ;)
Spirit / necros: thanks a lot for the demos. I started to watch it, but I need more time... as it is quite long demo ;)
Orl: Thank for the feedback. I already had this comment that the beginning was quite hard, and I already reduced the monster count twice there (outside, first part of the bunker, till the first crate storage area...)
More details are writen in the txt file about textures and sound: please read it ;)
To summarize, I've used Half Life texture (95%), Doom3 texture set (4%) and some from Kell's fury (1%). Regarding the sounds, most of them come from Doom3 and have been already used by distrans' Ruined Nation map. I reworked them with reverb addition, low pass filtering and bass amplification.. There are also some of COD2, and some I found on the Free Sound Project website (http://freesound.iua.upf.edu/ )
I'm glad the first set of comment is positive. thanks a lot for your support !
I'll come back with a new map... "soon"... (depending of the new monster I start :P )
 Forgot To Mention...
#18 posted by JPL on 2009/03/08 12:25:57
...that tank, truck and fork-lift are Half-Life prefabs I found there: http://www.snarkpit.net/
While the prefabs were already "textured", I had to work a lot to improve their respective initial look, as texture placement is a little bit different between Quake and HL... ;)
#19 posted by nitin on 2009/03/08 14:22:53
the bad r_speeds version is the way to go unfortumately, the HOMS are too noticeable.
great map still.
#20 posted by yhe1 on 2009/03/08 17:08:48
can somebody post screenshots of the HOMs?
 HOMs Shots
#21 posted by JPL on 2009/03/08 17:45:16
First one visible from the crates tunnel (can be open from the first storage crate area in the bunker): http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/Divers/FD-HOM1.JPG
Same HOM visible from the inside of central reactor: http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/Divers/FD-HOM2.JPG
There's also a HOM in a part the player cannot go, except flying: http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/Divers/FD-HOM4.JPG
The last one can be visible after the SK door, just before the stairs up, in your back: http://lambert.jeanphilippe.free.fr/Divers/FD-HOM3.JPG
Too much visible in a fullvis version... :P
#22 posted by yhe1 on 2009/03/08 20:31:12
This is with gl_clear 1?
#23 posted by JPL on 2009/03/08 20:55:13
 Tres Bien Fait, Monsieur!
#24 posted by jdhack on 2009/03/09 05:40:12
Very impressive level - the attention to detail was amazing, and gameplay was tense & exciting. There was a good sense of purpose & direction, and even though the map was huge, it was "revealed" slowly so it wasn't overwhelming.
I played the fullvis version; I noticed the HOMs but they weren't too distracting, and I had good framerates throughout. Lighting was excellent - I especially liked all the floor lights which gave everything an eerie feel. My only complaint is that the brown tunnel areas were too dark to see much of anything.
On my first run, I did okay until the final battle outside. Then I got a little reckless with the quad and died. Played on skill 2, and got 7/14 secrets. Second run, I was more careful at the end, and finished quite easily. Got 12 secrets this time.
There were only 2 secrets that I probably would've died without: the early health stash behind the glass, and the plasma gun. The others just made things a little less stressful.
I would have liked to have seen some breakable objects (the crates in particular, but maybe some doors or air vents). I guess because the map had a real HL/RTCW feel to it, I kinda expected it. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
#25 posted by necros on 2009/03/09 18:35:59
I would have liked to have seen some breakable objects (the crates in particular, but maybe some doors or air vents). I guess because the map had a real HL/RTCW feel to it, I kinda expected it. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed it!
i noticed that too. i've been conditioned to want to break crates regardless of game. o.o
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