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Tronyn's Arcanum Released (Q1SP)
Being without easy access to internet, Tronyn asked me to release his Map/Mod collaboration pack for him. I'm quite pleased to present Arcanum for your Q1SP needs.

This is a fantastic collaboration that contains 5 very large blue/metal/knave maps + start map; one map by distrans, one map by Pulsar and four maps by Tronyn! Grab it here: Arcanum (18mb)

Please note: This map pack relies on the Drake mod by PM, which features many new monsters and weapons. If you don't have it, you can grab it here: Drake (17mb)

Installation instructions from the readme:
Place all files in your DRAKE subdirectory in your Quake directory, ie c:\quake\drake290111.
Start the game (Quake engine of choice).exe -game (drake directory) +map arcstart.
You probably want to use a larger heapsize. Custom engine required: FitzQuake, Quakespasm, RMQEngine, Darkplaces, etc. You know the drill.

necros' note: If you have a slower machine, you may wish to enable the "r_flatlightstyles 1" console command (in fitzquake variants at least or otherwise try 'r_dynamic 0') to disable flickering lights as some maps have quite a lot of them and it can drastically increase framerate on some computers.

Tronyn was also kind enough to release the source files for his maps if you want to poke around in them. On top of that, there are two extra maps contained in this archive, which are unfinished but still very cool and totally worth a look-see. Grab the sources here: Arcanum Sources (8mb)

necros' note on the sources: at the moment, only Worldcraft users will be able to make use of them, as, though Tronyn did include raw .map files alongside the .rmf files, they contain extended texturing parameters that may not be parsed correctly by other map editors. It wasn't worth delaying this excellent release to try to fix it though. If some solution is found, I'll happily update the archive.

Also note that while Tronyn is gone, he won't be able to respond directly in this thread (although, i believe he mentioned he has somewhat consistent internet connectivity until monday) so he won't be able to answer questions or whatnot but he didn't want to delay this release any longer.

Enjoy! ^_^

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That`s too bad, since the boss fight is the kind of thing that makes me ragequit, hahaha! 
hehe damn.
i suppose you could just noclip back there and impulse 9 it, but it's just not the same. :P 
Good Job !!! 
What others said...

Just my complains about this shity music that ruins the first map.... Overall great atmosphere, great map, well executed... some areas are too dark, but it is manageable.. Got lost many times, but rewarded by secret finding during "additional" exploration...

Tips and Tricks to prevent from music: Just Quick save, and reload... the music vanishes away ;) 
Well Done Pack, With Quite A Few Quirks... 
I spent the better part of the weekend playing this monster, and thought I'd share some impressions.

I first run through it on normal skill, wanting to avoid ragequit (I like that!) like with the ARWOP boss battle (which I have not completed yet, and will not even try again) and I must say that gameplay is A WHOLE LOT more balanced than per usual Tronyn's offerings. I restarted on skill 3 and, up to map 4 things are totally manageable, and that's great!

Secrets are coherent and not overly mind bending, a bit more variety in items contained may offer some gameplay twist, but they're quite good as they are.

Architecture is as wonderful from map 2 onwards as it is flawed in map 1. Rain and trees look like they've been built in 1996 and the whole map has a similar feel to it. While I'm a sucker for a classic vibe, I think map 1 is just too far behind in build quality and overall effect to stand comparison with the quality of subsequent ones.

The first zombie battle remains seriously flawed as it was in the demo (and, having already been pointed out how this did not really seem to work, one wonders why this has not been taken care of), playing it on skill 3 the only gameplay ability required is a very fast quickload finger...

There's an area, behind the tombs on the left where the zombies stand that you cannot escape without noclipping, and it's rather easy to fall into it since killing the zombie requires jumping on top of the coffin.

ROT 13 Spoiler complaint:

Gurer'f rira n fvzvyne vffhr va gur cragntenz frperg va nepnahz3, orybj gur EY, jurer lbh pnaabg trg bhg bs gur cbby (b qvq V zvff fbzrguvat?) nsgre pbyyrpgvat gur frperg, juvpu vf rzcgl naljnl. Nyfb, gurer'f n frperg qbbe va gurer gung vf fhccbfrq gb or xvyyrq gung vf rira npgvingrq ol gur znva cragntenz ohggba naq pna or irel pbashfvat...

So, while this is surely a stand out pack, it still feels unfinished and unrefined in places(not in Pulsar's, even though he seems to think differently). Maybe holding it back a coupla weeks more wouldn't have hurt, after all...

Going back to find last 2 secrets in Arcanum4 and then... Arcanum5 Nightmare!!! Brrr... me shivers! 
The swapping models bug can be overridden by trial and error, restart the game, executable or the whole system. Worked for me... 
Slightly confused having just beat it. So I took on the 5 wizards which was a pretty awesome battle. Then i'm going upwards getting more weapons and powerups, then a machine comes down which I shoot once, door opens and it's the end. Was there a big end monster that failed to spawn??? I didn't think the wizards were actually too difficult, especially if you have full cells.

Anywho, awesome pack! Didn't really care much abotu the rain and darkness in the first map - it's over pretty quickly. Love seeing blue theme awesomeness. I'd comment more but I've gotta get up in 4 hours lol 
Jakub's Poin Of View 
thanks to all involved in this pack. i'm still somewhere in the middle so it's too soon for final conclusion, but it's good so far. my only complain goes to the first level. don't get me wrong, but this level is horrible. i'm not talking about gameplay. i managed it through the zombie battle - it wasn't enjoyable, but i can live with that - and continued to the basement section when brutal fps drops begun. my pc is old, but still i'm able play most of the q1 stuff with darkplaces without much problem; even big maps like day of the lords or menkalinan.
but this one... i don't get it. even though this level is quite small, it became absolutely unplayable after i entered the "celar" section. i tried different engines - fitzquake/directq - and it improved situation only slightly. i have fps 80 (directq) one moment and 2 fps a second later. eventually, i used cheats to get to the second level in which fps is fine. first level seems to me somehow broken.... it behaves like fast-vised only.
diferent note:
music is annoying (can be deleted)
rain is ugly (i wish it could be deleted)
from the second level onward it's pure gold.
On Fitzquake when I enter the first level I just get this error :
numgltextures == MAX_GLTEXTURES

Ok, sorry if I'm an idiot but how do I solve that? 
Reduce the number of GLTExtures obviously.

And More. 
Map 4 was mostly excellent. The main room was probably the most epic seen in a Quake map for complexity and gameplay. I found some texture combinations a bit rich. Exit room was cool but a bit detached. In the main room I managed to curve jump from the top of the spiral stairs to the big platforms opposite and did a lot that when, then fell off and couldn't repeat the jump lol. Good gameplay as usual.

Map 5, the lower bit was awesome, one of the evile-ist bits of Quake I've seen in a long time. Spot on fucked-upness. I actually - shock horror - really liked the red spawn. Possibly because they were changed for a purpose and not just show off "Omg we can change a skin colour so it looks shite and have nothing to do with Quake". These actually worked. Especially when I stood on an upper ledge and gibs kept raining down and I kept panicking thinking they were Spawn dropping on me. The rest of the map was good but not as effective atmospherically, I wish the two sections had been reversed for impact. I god-moded the final battle cos it was going to bore me, but it didn't seem too appallingly cheesy.

The wand was still cool despite model still being teh ghey. In particular running into a Vore on a narrow ledge and simply kicking it off with full charge, muchos fun.

Nitin if you think these maps aren't dark, your settings must be fucked and default Quake maps must look fullbright to you. 
Sorry I dont speak the elite nerd-language. I'm just a casual player that comes here once in a while to check out new levels for my favourite game occasionally - and rather than insulting me why not explain how to actually reduce them instead of pulling a tamtrum because not everyone knows Quake's command lines/code. I'd take it Teaching wouldnt be your choice of dayjob huh? ;) 
Well spoken. Indeed, most people here aren't teachers. The tone can get pretty rough. Ignore it, since rebelling will just waste energy, trust me I know.

Shambler doesn't get the opportunity to say "n00b" on this forum often, so he jumps at the chance. 
first level seems to me somehow broken.... it behaves like fast-vised only.

Not vised at all actually. :( 
to mh: you are serious? :-) 
Not Vised At All Actually. :( 
The first level was awful - constant slowdowns even in fairly small rooms ruined the gameplay and atmosphere. I don't even care about the crummy music or the rain, but the slowdowns hurt it :( 
#61, #62 
I thought it was obvious that post couldn't possibly be a serious insult? 
to mh: you are serious? :-)

Quite serious. I've just run it under a debugger in Bengt Jardrups Engine, Fitz and DirectQ and none of them pick up visdata; l->filelen = 0 in Mod_LoadVisibility.

Also checked the leaf visibility offsets in Mod_LoadLeafs and they're all 0 or -1. Definitely not vised at all. 
that's bizarre, if it isn't then that's a mixup/fuckup and the vised version must be sitting on my hard drive a few provinces away. Oh well, seems like people would generally rather skip the first map anyway. 
This pack. OK, looks good. But if I had paid for this I would be really pissed off with it. The main reason is this:

I play the mod from the map arcstart. The start map is fine. Found the mightmare entrance no problem.

I enter the first map. (SPOILER) I spawn with the axe ready (weird?) in an area surrounded by dogs. Killing the dogs I notice that there are zombies (but i have no weapon to kill the zombies?!?!), and a silver key door. There is a blocked hatch to the left of the door, and a hatch which sometimes opens to the right. I cant get past the silver key door, or the hatch to the left, and when i go through the hatch to the right I cant get any further than the bottom of the ramp immediately through the door. So I look around and I keep looking but there is nowhere else to go so I RAGEQUIT.

End pack.

Im sorry, but I really dont know what the hell Im supposed to do? This is terrible. I know there is a lot more to the pack than what I have seen, but it doesn't exactly engross me by not letting me get even past the first door, and not giving me any explanation.

This pack needs to be finished off and re-released IMO.

(and yes I was using the drake mod, I followed the installation and run instructions to the 't') 
the first map starts with melee comnbat. It was released in arcdemo, and no one realy complained about having to kill the zombies and dogs with an axe then. That said, it is unconventional and quite hard, so maybe I should have tossed in a GL somewhere. Sorry you didn't enjoy it, but as others have noted, it's not representative of the other maps but was just meant as an atmospheric intro to the other maps. Feel free to skip to arcanum2.

[Kona]: the idea in the last map is that all the flesh stuff is connected, and that the wizards had this giant machine to injure/destroy the Thing Beneath if it ever got out of hand. 
as you walk into the gate, it says 'kill the zombies with the axe' or something like that.

so that was your own fault? :P

kona: yeah, that's the ending. those wizard guys were controlling shub and when you kill them, the button at the top allows you to use their machine against shub. you should actually have been up there during the combat (or before hand with the ring). i'm amazed you were able to win without the items up there... i usually need the MH and deflection amulet to beat it. :o

ChrisCtan: i have no idea what the error means. shambler doesn't know either, but he was being a dick. :D
are you using fitzquake085? older versions have lower limits, which is maybe why you're getting that texture limit. or try aguirre's enhance glquake maybe. 
crossposted. and you said you weren't gonna be here. ;) 
About Vis 
i checked and the originals you gave me (before i edited entities) for arc1, 4 and 5 aren't vised dude. :x 
Make sure you run the latest Fitzquake. Or use Quakespasm instead. Hopefully that should fix it! 
Quad Posting 
but in my defense, i have a very fast machine and never noticed they weren't vised, so i'm not really blaming you. i should have checked myself with r_showtris, but performance was fine for me and it never even occured to me to check.
so you can kind of blame me too. 
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