Fun Stuff.
#1 posted by Shambler on 2011/05/14 13:44:30
Liked the, good to be tackling some good challenges with smaller weapons and smaller monster numbers. Good use of the map, good balance. I, errr, died at the end having gone on a Pent rampage and ended up with no health and a Fiend jumped on me.
Also it's not too fucking dark woooot.
#2 posted by negke on 2011/05/14 15:09:01
Also might wanna try the SP versions of Devastation and Zeal&Fury if you haven't.
Kinda thinking, I made four of such conversions already (ritualsp being somewhat of an odd case though), two or three more and it could be something like DMC3 for qexpo... hmmm
#3 posted by nitin on 2011/05/14 15:15:12
is nicely implemented considering the source but I just dont really care for these dm to sp conversions I guess, complete lack of sense of place IMHO.
But as a demonstration of sp mapping skill, it gets two thumbs up.
#4 posted by negke on 2011/05/14 15:22:42
The intention is to have a fun oldschool fragfest in a new location, a bit like manual DMSP, and in a slightly speedmappish way. By no means anything epic or story-driven.
"short and sweet pure Quake action"
 "Short And Sweet Pure Quake Action"
Just make something like RPGSP1 and get away with it.
#6 posted by generic on 2011/05/14 16:34:47
As always, Negke :)
#7 posted by ShadoW on 2011/05/14 18:04:28
Never too much Quake action :).
#8 posted by Trinca on 2011/05/14 22:04:42
nice map negke and shadows thanks guys!
there it goes my first run on hard!
#9 posted by Drew on 2011/05/15 05:17:56
a nice little guy - I think I like this a bit less than the previous shadow map, and of course not nearly as much as the tyrann one - but definitely a good way to spend 5 minutes.
#10 posted by nitin on 2011/05/15 05:45:57
yeah I get that but for example the Tyrann map you converted had wonderful atmosphere. So if the dm map had a sense of place to start of with, I think the conversion works better.
#11 posted by Stubgaard on 2011/05/15 14:01:17
"...it could be something like DMC3 for qexpo"
That would be sweetilicious! :-)
#12 posted by Hrimfaxi on 2011/05/15 20:11:08
Good little conversion of a DM map.
A good 5 min. blast.
 Error Message 42...
#13 posted by ijed on 2011/05/16 04:13:13
That was fun, thanks guys.
Negke, have you considered doing similar but with Qonquer?
It'd mean Spirit wouldn't support though.
#14 posted by Vondur on 2011/05/16 06:59:50
awesome little map filled with tricks and fun gameplay. liked its compact dm-ish layout (yes i know its child is a dm map).
this actually hints some mappers that like making huge maps that vis for 100 years that it's still possible to make visually attractive small map that plays rather good! even if to double this little map u still will get moderately low rspeeds and 100 monsters.
#15 posted by JPL on 2011/05/16 09:16:19
this actually hints some mappers that like making huge maps that vis for 100 years
Are you talking to me ?
#16 posted by Trinca on 2011/05/16 09:44:23
ye, I think there is enought epic maps :)
smaller maps are much more fun!
#17 posted by negke on 2011/05/16 11:35:25
If you'd like to play more maps in this style, try the DMC1 and the recently-released DMC2 episodes.
#18 posted by NahkahiiR on 2011/05/16 18:02:39
Easy Run - 0:18 - ok
Nightmare Run - 0:26 - I have become rusty.
It is a fun map to speedrun. As dm to sp conversion usually are. It is possible to use the same route on nightmare as on easy skill but it's difficult to survive after meeting the shambler. :)
#19 posted by NahkahiiR on 2011/05/16 18:03:51
#20 posted by Shambler on 2011/05/16 19:02:50
Forgetting the url is rusty ;)
 Fun Little Map
#21 posted by kaffikopp on 2011/05/17 19:59:34
Yes indeed. Small but full of action. Might have benefited from having more sense of place, like others already mentioned, but hell I won't complain, gameplay is most important to me anyway.
This also reminds me I have to get back to my own map ASAP, haven't mapped in three months... eugh.
Anyway, skill 3 demo, 2/4 secrets.
Thanks to both Shadow and Negke for this map!
 Nice Demo
#22 posted by Drew on 2011/05/17 21:20:03
looking forward to your map Bernsten, whenever it gets finished - the shots look beautiful, if I recall correctly!
#23 posted by kaffikopp on 2011/05/17 22:16:25
My goal is to at least have the brushwork finished by september, just have to find the motivation and time to do it... that's the main problem with making huge-ass maps, losing motivation or hitting mapper's block when you're halfway through.
#24 posted by Drew on 2011/05/19 03:22:23
yeah, I mean, I've never released a proper map - just (quasi) speedmaps - I totally understand the motivation thing. But yeah, love the screenshots, so consider me when you're looking for testers, whenever that is!
 You Rock
#25 posted by Trinca on 2011/05/19 11:04:05
Drew you made speedmaps that are proper maps... saw better speedmaps from you that some full maps like some of mine :\ like trincasp1 and 2...