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New Q1 SP: Clean Cut By Mfx
Here it is, a small base map made for the fun of it.

Screenshots: 1 2


Have fun, and comments are welcome!
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Is your nickname from this:

Playing track 3 is super annoying :P

Very nice map! As for recent base maps, I liked it more than scampsp1 (no hard feelings, scamperoni!)

Some beta testing might have fixed some minor gameplay issues I felt it had but nothing major really.

Loved the setting and brushwork.

I added the water options to the commandline in the Quake Injector so that will work out of the box. 
Did A Quick Run Through 
with demo, which I'll upload later
I liked it a lot but I don't think it was as polished as Scamp's map. I was continually low on health and low on ammo. Maybe a bit too low on ammo - there were several instances necessitating I switch to axe, which should never happen. Maybe I'm just getting sloppy but I don't think thats the case.
THe architecture varies from very well done to not-quite-as-very-well done. The final shambler zone was a bit meh, I felt. One thing I really did like was the use of mosnter closets! I only found 2 secrets, which might explain my lame ammo issues, but again - still shouldn't be an issue... You can judge for self though when I upload the demo 
its my first finished map, please consider.
Focus was more on eye-candy than on gameplay.
Had no beta-testers, but have a bunch of more maps to be released, so anyone volunteesrs..?

Spirit: Thanks for the tweak! 
Two Bugs 
I was wondering why I was getting like 24k epoly in the starting room, so I looked around and found this little bugger:

Also, I could shoot through glass with the shotgun, which made that one Shambler much easier.

Otherwise a good little map. 
Great Map For Debut 
yes that glass implementation is more a workaround..
Skipping texture found + 1 secret!!

Very Nice! 
Good style and construction, consistent and well pulled off for the most part. Pipes! The layout seems nice, too.
Gameplay was fun on skill 2 with two or three slightly hairy situations for me - the five secrets I found helped get through without problems. I thought the crampedness was a refreshing change, didn't get annoying as one would expect.

Shame about the obviously repeating texture on the pipes. And damn that lift towards the GK door - the button would have needed a delay badly! The windows were a nice touch visually. The implementation is dodgy, though. Skiptextured func_walls around the water volumes or a skip/water combo like in apsp2 (btw similar vibe to your map) or even detail brushes, they would've been solid and not do the splash sound if grenades pass through.
If your map needs any special settings or the like, it should always be mentioned in the readme and news thread!

GG, looking forward to seeing more levels from you!
just watched your demo, and that elevator button
with no delay is just for guys who tend to jump from that 2nd floor instead of taking the elevator downwards again.
Elevator is activated by those arrow keys:
up for up
down for down.

repeating texture won�t happen again
Forgot My Standard Line 
The map has a monster spawning too close to a wall and an item falling out. When testing your levels, make sure to set developer 1 before loading it so you can see such warning messages in the console.

Also, one of the ogres teleports in incorrectly and ends up stuck in midair between a wall and the ceiling. 
Hehe, oops. My bad. 
I know, but i couldnt get rid of it.
Evil powers are at work.

Oh my i�m drunk. 
As You Should Be. 
Sorry if I came off overly critical. I did enjoy the map very much. Just trying to be constructive there. I'd beta test for you if you wanted, though I'm not a map-wizard like other potential testers (necros negke et al). Demo soon, once I get back home. 
No problem there Drew, critics are welcome, and
yeah you changed that color! 
Thanks Drew! 
Why don't people post screenshots anymore?

A valid point, but if you like tight base maps with good gameplay then just grab it ;) 
Sorry man, didn�t know the rules, but there are some in that screenshots thread :(
Next time... 
This should be posted on the forum too really, surprised it hasn't been already. 
There Aren't Any 'rules' 
it's just a nice thing to do 
Great 1st Map! 
I can't wait for the 2nd!

I loved the cramped spaces and pipe details. The textures looked good with Starbuck's redux. The glass could have been implemented better but helped give the map some uniqueness. I played on normal and the difficulty was just fine :)

Sehr sch�n! 
No Worries! 
It won't stop me trying the map, I just find screenshots ramp up the excitement a lot. :) 
Screenshots are great for people browsing on their phone or at work. As Scampie said, not a rule, just nice. 
good first map, indeed quite detailed and balanced gameplay. though rather cramped, i'd like it to be a bit more spacey.
most annoying thing was amount of doors (too many useless doors), the fact that they slide down and not obvious door texture, so it was not always clear where to go cuz of door texture looking just like wall detail. waiting longer than needed for the door to finish its way down so u can finally go through.
but overall, good first map, keep em coming. 
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