#1 posted by ProdigyXL on 2004/10/23 11:53:16
Excellent piece of work here. If you thought the action was a little slow in Doom 3, you need to check this guy out. The map is constantly throughing you baddies in bunches, not just one here and there. Keeps you on your toes.
Visually extremely well constructed. Nothing looks out of place, has a professional shine to it. Lighting is a tad dark but nothing overwhelling. The atmosphere is created perfectly through the PDA with custom voice work. I'm assuming its all Quaker-X at work but he does an admirable job and gives none of us an excuse not to try to do our own voice stuff.
The only bit that got me was the ending. The boss battle was great but when it was time to leave all you got was a simple exit monitor, I was expecting to see the ship and the hanger. Also a few times it felt like there was too much health in bunches, and not enough spread out through the gameplay areas. Besides that a quality piece of work. The underground bit is great, particularlly the circular sewer system, really atmospheric and creepy down there.
All told it was about a 30-40? minute romp for me, and I took my time to explore and what not. I expect everyone to at least take a look at this.
 2nd Pic
#2 posted by nitin on 2004/10/23 11:59:15
looks pretty cool.
#3 posted by Zwiffle on 2004/10/23 12:30:42
6 WEEKS???? FUCK! These maps get better and better, and this one is THE best by far. It will be tough to beat this map's quality. Everything is GREAT. The new Spectre? GREAT. Game length? GREAT. Atmosphere? GREAT. Get this map you bunch of cunts. Get it now. Get it. QUIT READING AND GO GET THE FUCKING MAP.
#4 posted by DaZ on 2004/10/23 13:20:04
damn fine piece of work by Mr Quaker-X.
Recommended to everyone in the world ever, fantastic stuff.
Only 1 little niggle, the hell knight in the main chamber where u turn the power back on walked off the edge and died, not that I was complaining with 23 health :)
#5 posted by Lunaran on 2004/10/23 20:43:40
Looks good - definitely checking it out.
Although what the fuck's with the title image on his website?
#6 posted by nitin on 2004/10/23 22:14:38
I believe that is a pic from Dead Cells, one of his q3 levels.
 Awesome Stuff
#7 posted by biff_debris on 2004/10/23 23:31:52
'Specially the sewer tunnels, and that spectre pinky. But yeah, that audio log was even worse than Kiltron's -- thought it wasn't as unintentionally funny.
#8 posted by Lunaran on 2004/10/24 16:43:17
Ah, it's a Clockwork Droid map. Never mind then - the skull in orange sand was a little reminiscent. :P
And you guys don't want to hear me bitch about doom3 so I'll just say that this map was very well done.
 What!? Don't Want To Hear You Bitch? I Do!
#9 posted by than on 2004/10/25 15:21:29
I haven't bothered to download it yet, since it's hosted on "pain in the fucking arse planet." I would like to hear your opinion, Lun, as you are the only one of these goddam schmucks I trust :)
 Why Trust Him?
#10 posted by Shambler on 2004/10/25 17:12:06
You seemed to like the game, he just moans about monster design.
#11 posted by Lunaran on 2004/10/25 20:19:08
I was going to moan about this guy often barely giving you room to fight a demonic two-year-old let alone imps and shit (my favorite bit was being stuck in a cubicle-sized room with a burning elevator shaft and certain death behind me, and a dozen cacodemons and archviles that spawn new ones on the other side of the door in front of me), but I could do that instead if you like.
 If It Makes You Feel Better..
#12 posted by pope on 2004/10/25 22:07:01
I don't trust any of you... not even a little bit.
 I Haven't Even Seen The Screenshots Yet
#13 posted by Friction on 2004/10/26 05:04:16
and i like it!
#14 posted by R.J. MacReady on 2004/10/26 06:11:44
I hear what you're saying, buddy. Trust is a hard thing to come by these days. Why don't you just trust in the Lord?
#15 posted by JPL on 2004/10/26 07:08:31
Well, I've just taking a look at the screenshots, and they look rather nice... it seems to be a good work, so keep it up !
 Lunaran Is Right
#16 posted by sock on 2004/10/26 18:26:42
Sadly this map does have serious gameplay balance issues with almost every creature being used in a very short space of time. Its certainly a good first SP map for D3 but I don't think it is amazing. Too many high power creatures, too many weapons and alot of spraying bullets in pitch black rooms. (Which is as much fun as nailing your feet to the floor.)
Im certainly looking forward to another SP map from Quaker-X and I hope he gets the weapon/creature balance right next time.
#17 posted by BlackDog on 2004/10/27 07:22:03
I thought it was way too easy.
I'll play it again, and see what I think this time.
 Good Stuff.
#18 posted by Shambler on 2004/11/10 15:42:22
Finally got around to finishing this off. Quality map, very good atmosphere (underground bit, crashed train, entrance cine etc) and sense of progression. Good combat too, I agree with sock that a few too many monsters are thrown in and a few combats are a bit unfair whilst others are easily outwitted by running away. Nevertheless I liked most of it and liked facing some high powered creatures, especially Mancubi. Floating things and Archviles were also used well, the latter being particularly bastardly.
I found it did try to cram a bit too much in though, which also had some thematic as well as gameplay flaws. But overall a good level and a proper Doom3 experience.
#19 posted by cant map on 2005/02/04 01:09:35
that was scary (yeah, 4 am dark room, sleepy) progression is odd (getting most of the guns instantly)
too dark and overdetailed, just like most IDs maps
 I Can't Wait
#20 posted by eyekantweight on 2006/09/07 14:50:32
Great posts.. Can't wait to play this level!
#21 posted by metlslime on 2006/09/07 21:12:58
well, you were able to wait 2 years already...
#22 posted by Pauk on 2006/09/08 02:44:30
What about making it so that threads (excluding permanent ones) over so many months old have commenting automatically disabled?
#23 posted by nitin on 2006/09/08 03:19:00
the number of times I've dug through old threads to find info in the comments section on how to get things to work etc has been invaluable
#24 posted by Kinn on 2006/09/08 04:58:58
don't disable old threads, just be more willing to delete shit/useless posts at your discretion.
 Does It Really Matter If Someone Digs Up An Old Thread Like This?
#25 posted by R.P.G. on 2006/09/08 05:59:46
It's not like the news threads are teeming with activity that's getting pushed away by bumping old threads.
And maybe there will be useful info sometimes that's not worth a new thread, such as "BTW new version of the map that fixed ugly crashing bug."